Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Raspberry Lime Sherbert

    New necklace up on Etsy.  Click here to view listing.



Last Christmas my friend C's very fashionable sister handed her a picture cut out from a catalog, it was a picture of a necklace that she *loved* and wanted.  A perfect gift for a mere $388.00.
After recovering from sticker shock, C handed it to me, "yeah right."  I looked at it, "You know...I could totally make this...I could get all these beads." C looked at me... "DO it!"

Well, last Christmas season got a bit hectic for it didn't happen.  I found the picture again recently, and for kicks I found all of the supplies I would need to do this.  Along with the shipping costs from the different places they came from it did come to $85.00.  A lot more than I had thought, but, still a bargain compared to $388.00.  C still wanted to go for it.  (She is a good sister.  :)  

It came out pretty dern good, if I do say so myself.  Of course I can see flaws, and if I had to do it again, blah  blah blah...but I am my own worst critic.
